Online Tournament Level 2 - Nettbutikk - Radikal Darts Players


    Online Tournament Level 2
    - 7 tournaments + 1 Big Final.
    - Open to any player.
    - MPR lower than 3.99.
    - Registration 10€.
    - Date of play: Friday 11th of January at 9:00 p.m. (European time)
    - Cricket with handicap.
    - Up to 16 players double KO best of 5.
    - From 16 to 32 players double KO best of 5 winners side, best of 3 loosers side.
    - From 32 to 128 players straight KO best of 5.
    - Registration fees are distributed 60% for prizes of the tournament and 40% for the Big Final (discounting previously 2.5€ from each fee for administrative expenses).

    - In each tournament the player accumulates points according to their ranking.
    - The 16 players with the most points from all tournaments will play the Big Final.
    - Cricket with handicap best of 5.